Differences Between Current Transformer and Potential Transformer

Differences Between Current and Potential Transformer

Transformers play a crucial role in electrical systems, ensuring the safe and efficient distribution of power. Current Transformers (CTs) and Potential Transformers (PTs) are two essential types of transformers used for accurate measurement and control of electrical quantities. It is important to understand the differences between these two types of transformers to ensure accurate measurement, enhance safety, and maintain the efficiency of electrical systems.

This blog will explore the distinctions between CTs and PTs, offering a clear and comprehensive understanding of their functions, construction, and applications.

What is a Current Transformer (CT)?

A Current Transformer is an instrument transformer designed to measure alternating current (AC) by stepping down high current values to a lower, more manageable level. This allows for safe and accurate measurement with standard electrical instruments.

Primary Function of Current Transformers

The main function of a Current Transformer is to transform a high primary current into a proportionally lower secondary current. This reduction enables the use of standard measuring devices like ammeters, which cannot directly handle high currents.

Construction of Current Transformers

A Current Transformer typically consists of three parts, mainly:

  • Core: The core is made of laminated silicon steel to minimise energy losses and magnetic hysteresis.
  • Primary Winding: The primary winding consists of a few turns of thick wire or even a single turn. It is connected in series with the high-current-carrying conductor.
  • Secondary Winding: The secondary winding consists of many turns of fine wire wound around the core. It is connected to measuring instruments such as ammeters or protective relays.

Working Principle of Current Transformers

The Current Transformer works on the principle of electromagnetic induction. The high current flowing through the primary winding generates a magnetic field, which induces a proportional current in the secondary winding. This induced current is a scaled-down version of the primary current, making it safe and easy to measure.

Applications of Current Transformers

Current Transformers are primarily used for measuring high currents in power metering, ensuring accurate billing and energy management. They are also crucial in grid monitoring, where they help maintain the stability and efficiency of power distribution networks. Additionally, CTs play a vital role in protective relay systems, detecting abnormal current conditions and triggering circuit breakers to prevent damage and ensure safety. A few applications include:

Power Metering

They are used in energy meters to measure the current consumption accurately.

Protective Relays

They are also integral in protective relay systems to detect over-current conditions and trigger circuit breakers.

Grid Monitoring

They are employed in power grids to monitor and manage current flow, ensuring stability and efficiency.

What is a Potential Transformer (PT)?

A Potential Transformer (PT), or Voltage Transformer (VT), is an instrument transformer designed to step down high voltage levels to a lower, safer value. This allows for accurate measurement and monitoring using standard electrical instruments.

Primary Function of Potential Transformers

The main function of a Potential Transformer is to transform high primary voltage into a proportionally lower secondary voltage. This reduction enables the use of standard measuring devices like voltmeters, which cannot directly handle high voltages.

Construction of Potential Transformers

A Potential Transformer consists of a core made from high-quality steel operating at low flux densities, with primary and secondary windings.

  • Core: The core is made of high-quality steel, designed to operate at low flux densities to minimise core losses and ensure accurate voltage transformation.
  • Primary Winding: The primary winding consists of many turns of fine wire. It is connected in parallel with the high-voltage line whose voltage is to be measured.
  • Secondary Winding: The secondary winding consists of fewer turns of wire compared to the primary winding. It is connected to measuring instruments such as voltmeters or protective relays.

Working Principle of Potential Transformer

Similar to a Current Transformer, a Potential Transformer operates on the principle of electromagnetic induction. The high voltage applied to the primary winding creates a magnetic field, inducing a proportional voltage in the secondary winding. This induced voltage is a scaled-down version of the primary voltage, making it safe and easy to measure.

Applications of Potential Transformers

Potential Transformers are used to measure high voltages, transforming them to lower, safer levels for use in voltage metering and monitoring. They also provide necessary isolation between high-voltage lines and measuring instruments, protecting both equipment and personnel. Some advantages of PTs include:

Voltage Metering

They are used in voltage metres to measure the high-voltage levels accurately.

Protective Relays

They are also integral in protective relay systems to detect over-voltage conditions and trigger protective measures.

Power Monitoring

They are employed in power systems to monitor voltage levels, ensuring stability and efficiency.

Insulation and Isolation

Provides electrical isolation between high-voltage lines and low-voltage measuring instruments, protecting equipment and personnel from high-voltage hazards.

Key Differences Between Current Transformers and Potential Transformers

Parameter Current Transformer (CT) Potential Transformer (PT)
Transforms the current from a high value to a low value
Transforms the voltage from a high value to a low value
Measurement Purpose
Measures current
Measures voltage
Core made of silicon steel laminations
Core made of high-quality steel operating at low flux densities
Primary and Secondary Windings
Primary winding has a small number of turns; secondary winding has a large number of turns
Primary winding has a large number of turns; secondary winding has a small number of turns
Connection in Circuit
Connected in series with the circuit
Connected in parallel with the circuit
Transformation Ratio
High transformation ratio
Low transformation ratio
Burden and Impedance
Performance does not depend on secondary burden; low impedance
Performance depends on secondary burden; high impedance
Input Values
Input constant current
Input constant voltage
Typically reduce current to 1A or 5A
Typically reduce voltage to 110V

Importance of Current Transformers and Potential Transformers in Electrical Systems

The importance of Current Transformers and Potential Transformers lies in their ability to provide critical data for power metering, grid stability, and protective relaying, which helps prevent electrical faults and enhances the safety of electrical installations:


Both Current Transformers and Potential Transformers enhance safety by reducing high values of current and voltage to levels that can be handled safely. This is crucial for protecting equipment and personnel from electrical hazards.


By ensuring accurate measurement and monitoring, Current Transformers and Potential Transformers help maintain the efficiency of electrical systems. They allow for precise control and management of power distribution.

Monitoring and Control

Accurate monitoring and control are essential for the stable operation of power systems. Current Transformers and Potential Transformers provide the necessary data to ensure that electrical systems operate within safe and efficient parameters.

Common Misconceptions

A few common misconceptions about Current Transformers (CTs) and Potential Transformers (PTs) are worth addressing to ensure a clear understanding of their functions and applications. They include:


A common misconception is that Current Transformers and Potential Transformers can be used interchangeably. In reality, they serve different purposes and are designed for different applications. CTs are for current measurement, while PTs are for voltage measurement.

Size and Cost

Some might assume that CTs and PTs are similar in size and cost. However, their construction and applications often lead to differences in these aspects. PTs, for instance, might be more expensive due to the need for high-quality materials to handle high voltages.

Final Thoughts

Current Transformers (CTs) and Potential Transformers (PTs) are indispensable components in the field of electrical engineering, each serving unique and critical functions. As electrical infrastructure continues to advance, the importance of CTs and PTs in supporting robust, secure, and efficient power systems becomes even more significant. 

Understanding these transformers and their differences is key to managing and improving modern electrical networks. Electrical transformer solutions such as UPT (Universal Power Transformers) continue to evolve to meet the ever-changing demands of the electrical industry offering solutions for a wide range of applications across various industries.

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